Magnum Solutions Ltd.
On this page you will (eventually) find links to all of the talks
that Magnum Solutions staff have given at various conferences and
meetings. Currently these are scattered rather haphazardly across a
couple of sites, so it might take a while to get them organised. Please
bear with us whilst we work it out.
Some of these talks will look slightly strange until we spend some
time clearing up the formatting.
- Ye Compleate History Of Ye Perle Mongers Of Olde London Town
A look back on the first ten years of
- Proud To Use Perl
An attempt to galvanise Perl programmers into evangelising their
- Perl in RPM-Land
A look at finding and building RPMs of CPAN modules.
- Teach-In Extract: Object -Oriented Perl
A talk I gave at the Belgian Perl Workshop in Brussels.
For more of the one-day training course that this talk was taken from
see the Teach-In page.
- Advanced Databases for Beginners
A three-hour tutorial introducing database concepts like normalisation
and referential integrity.
- What’s Wrong With ORM
A review of some of the problems with current object-relational mapping
- Programming Languages and Perl
A Meditation on Perl’s Place in the Programming World
- Databases and Perl
A talk from the London Perl Workshop
- Perl in the Enterprise
A talk I gave at Linux Expo in London
- Open Source: It’s Already Here
A talk given to the North London branch of the British Computer
- Tieing and Overloading in Perl
A talk I gave at YAPC::Europe in Paris. I also gave a version of this
talk on the “Perl Whirl” cruise of the Eastern Mediterranean in
- Writing a Book Using the Template Toolkit
A talk given to
- Idiotic Perl
This talk looks at the reasons why so many people write bad Perl and
what we can do to combat this.
- Perl for the People
A slightly tongue in cheek talk that was presented at both The Open
Source Convention and YAPC::Europe in 2001.
- Why Perl Advocacy Is A Bad Idea
The text of a lightning (five minute) talk that was presented a few
times during 2001.
- Perl Is Boring
A talk from YAPC::Europe 2000, based on some of the ideas from Data
Munging with Perl
- Symbol::Approx::Sub
A talk given to in November 2000 about the Perl module