Magnum Solutions Ltd.

Magnum Solutions Ltd.


On this page you can find information about the staff that are employed by Magnum Solutions.

Dave Cross

“Given the quality of a lot of the Open Source software out there, I really don’t understand why so many companies spend so much money on proprietary software”

Dave Cross has been working in the IT industry since 1988. Much of that time has been spent manipulating data and databases in some way.

In 1995 Dave discovered Perl, the data manipulation language par excellence and he hasn’t needed to program in much else since.

Also in 1995, Dave set up Magnum Solutions as a company that would promote the use of Open Source software (or, as it was then called, “free software”) in its clients.

In 2000, Dave branched out and started writing and speaking about Perl. His first book Data Munging with Perl was published in January 2001. Perl Template Toolkit followed in December 2003. Dave is now a regular speaker at Perl and Open Source conferences.
